Friday, November 13, 2009

If just I was Sir Isaac

If I was Sir Isaac Newton, I would’ve done numerous things. Other than bugging Albert Einstein, I would’ve created multiple inventions that we’re fun and educational so kids won’t have to go to school. I would’ve created time machines, fast sport cars and even high definitional televisions that were better than the ones we have now. I would’ve created one of the greatest inventions and discovered numerous theories to laws. And just for the little gamers out there, I would’ve created the simulator room, which makes you live the game and act it in the same time. I would’ve studied medicine and other degree’s to be the most intelligent, famous and coolest man alive. I’d even create a cure for every sickness, virus and bacteria out there. I’d even create away for people to stay young, age when they want, and live forever and ever. I wouldn’t have sat down under the tree but would have observed the apple while following to still figure out the numerous theories. But that if I was Isaac Newton. I could’ve created all these things but unfortunately I’m just too lazy to study all that stuff and to waste my time under a tree while an apples falls in my head.

1 comment:

  1. yes i did check ur post - u deleted the wrong post. checked.
